simple shaded art of a guy in a spacesuit floating in space, vaguely reaching out towards the viewer

nature is pissed
i'm tired of being told what to think
abolish government
arm the homeless
fuck yeah i'm weird
i'm so fucking beautiful
fuck work
america eats its young
annoy the boring
i guess i was punk once
i am killing the earth!
why obey morons?
you are stupid and evil and do not know that you are stupid and evil.
you are not what you own
nobody owns you
i love this bike
i love you
art not apathy
stop living like veal
cult member
re-engineer society
find the clitoris
i worship satan ha ha
capitalism kills me
keep music evil
i hate computers
i'm seein' robots
all politicians lie
let's invade saturn next
gasoline kills (resin)
your kids are tripping (resin)
let my people go


fuck work (square)
capitalism is organized crime (square)
whitey will pay (square)
demand justice (square)

B Sides

Non Unamerican designs, from anonymous artists, classic anarchist sayings, photos of graffiti, or elsewhere.

settlers fuck off stop the annexation of palestine (square)
nobody 2024
rich mans war poor mans blood (resin)
fuck your stupid war (resin)
illusion of democracy
neither to rule nor be ruled (square)
we killed kings for less than this (small, square)
gaza (small, square)
are we really going to let a bunch of greedy selfish fools do-in this whole planet
fascism is capitalism in decay (extra long)

Out of Stock

Nothing right now.
This may be out of date.
Other things may be out of stock too.
(I don't discover what's out of stock until I start filling orders then I may not manage to update this.)
<-- Click! Or enter below.

Your Order / Comments

Click stickers to add them to the order box.
City, State, and Order/Comments get emailed.
Add "destroy after reading" and I'll delete that
email when I delete order data.
This is the last step.
Stickers are free for now.

Shipping Address:

Address 2:

Jan 17 2025:

If you have money to spare, please consider buying directly from artists doing awesome anarchist art. Funding anything that feeds and houses families and children works too.

Dec 23 2024:

Srini vanished but we're bringing this back.

Stickers are usually 1" to 2" tall and 9" long, printed on vinyl. Square stickers vary a lot but most are about 4" wide.

Please request what you'd like and I'll fill as much as I can. If you don't get something you've requested, please try again later.

I really like to get pictures of deployed stickers! Send anonymously to protect both of us. This gets me hype material to post but also lets me know that at least some of these are making it to real human beings and adjacent.

Most stickers are now screenprinted vinyl and should be bright and durable. The resin printing was a useful phase and I still have some of those. If you get some stickers with less bright printing, it's some of those. I might still test out requests with resin before having them screen printed.

International shipping is open but I'll probably use the slow service. Please use the order box to show me how your address should be formatted and leave any notes about how to/not to ship.

These are a tiny few of the incredible selection Srini had before. If you have requests from the old catalog,, add comments to the order box or email me. You probably won't get your requests right away, please check back later, or follow on Mastodon. I'll continue to add the most popular requests and the requests that I like the most.

If you want to send these to a hackspace you use, a General Delivery address, or a neighbor's mailbox who gets home after you do, I support that.

Most of these go USPS First Class, and some get destroyed in the mail or returned for bullshit reasons, or just not returned by the USPS. If you never got your package, try again and let me know in the comments that you're trying again.


Srini dropped off the face of the 'net. This is an unauthorized fan reboot (tho I met Srini a few times and was kind of a friend-of-a-friend... Srini, if you're out there, I hope you're well and you're not mad).

Data rention policy:

I try hard not to collect data. Order comments along with city, state (and nothing else) get lodged in my inbox. Please feel free to add "destroy after reading" or similar to your comments and I will. Your email address gets lodged in my outbox only if I happen to email you. All other info, I delete (your name, mailing address, email address, IP address, user agent) as soon as I ship the order, which should be within a week or two usually tho sometimes I'm slower than that. (IP/User Agent are logged for spam control, lord help me, but then quickly deleted.) The "Email" field is optional but I use it if provided to respond to questions or commentes, note delays, or resolve order problems like no stickers showing as selected which is happening sometimes. l'll try to go through and delete old sent messages so those don't accumulate. There's no mail list, only social media.

Questions or problems, please contact scott at this address. Thanks for visiting!

photograph of the rest of the same stickers listed in the catalog layed out.  this photo is without flash and more accurately illustrates how the white-on-black printing isn't quite entirely white.  fuck work was the first sticker and Srini founded Unamerican after that.  is that bugging you as much as it bugs me?
photograph of the same stickers as listed in the catalog layed out and photographed (above is scaled down digital artwork)