I'm not officially asking for money right now but some people
have kindly contributed anyway. Money I spend on postage and
printing should maybe be going to mutual aid and reliefs, so
contibuting to that on my behalf helps me rationalize doing this.
Here are a few ideas, but anything that feeds and cares for
families, kids, the homeless, or displaced works for me.
Gaza: https://crisisrelief.un.org/opt-crisis https://www.gofundme.com/f/Hot-meals-in-gaza-daily Artists (no affiliation implied): NoBonzo: https://www.etsy.com/shop/StreetLeavesPDX Zola: https://zolamtl.storenvy.com Jane Moon: Shirts: https://moon.gay Buy her a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/djmannik Music: https://soundcloud.com/djmannik |